Sentiment analysis with R

With lot of free time i did a small project based on WhatsApp group chat sentiment analysis with ‘R’. R is a great language for statistical calculations and analytics, this small code sample can show you a showcase usefullness of...

Alias makes life easy

From couple of years i’m using it but never thought its also shareable with community, alias is helping me shortning big and repeating commands, you just have to declare the short abbreviation of your short command and use it again...

Working with GIT patch

My last post in 2014 ;), Working with git patches. Git is a famous versioning tool now days, many times you git access to work directly with your remote repo but few times you dont, Patch file is to save...

Install lollipop 5.0 to Nexus 4

Google takes lot of time to throw OTA update to your phone, may be they do it lot by lot for not loading their servers, if you are lucky you got it early else wait for may days :p. I...

Bang-Bang, Be lazy!!

Big title Big title test I found another great thing linux provides for the lazy programmers ;) Most of the time we need to repeat the commands we entered in linux terminal and many hardworking engineers typing it again and...