Functions in shell script

Have lot of repeated shell code ? try writing function in that :) writing functions in any languages lowers the headache of any programmer , it implements DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself!) rule and that’s cool to why would i...

Using MySQL dump

HI All, mysqldump is a very handy and useful command for keeping backup of your Db or to migrate them to another server. lets see how can we use it in different way .. To take a backup of data...

Checking MySQL Database Size

Hi all , in this post i am going to show you how to check current mysql database size, below queries are tested on Mysql 5.5.8 Just fire below queries on your mysql db you will have your results ready...

Capturing HTTP Header In JAX-RS

In this post i will explain you how to capture http-request header in JAX-RS. Using @HeaderParam Using @Context ###@HeaderParam Example In this example we can have only the selected attribute we want , JAX-RS will have filter internally and return...